U.S. Energy Secretary Chu at Seaway U. S. Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu selected Seaway as a window plant to tour in March 2010.  Dr. Chu toured the Encore Double Hung production line.  Dr. Chu stated that he was impressed with the great quality of products manufactured by Seaway and care given to its customers.

You can take the same tour as the U. S. Energy Secretary if you attend one of Seaway Window’s Open Houses!

“I've been installing windows and patio rooms my entire adult life. I can say for certain that Seaway Manufacturing offers the very best products in the business. There is no substitute for quality, especially for windows and sun rooms. Windows are some of the hardest working components in your home. They have to operate 24/7. Seaway Manufacturing has been making the best windows, sunrooms and entry doors in the world for over fifty years. They have thousands of happy customers all over the United States.”

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“We have used Seaway on four projects over a period of 12 years. Let our ongoing use of this supplier be a testament to our satisfaction with the end result.”

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2240 E 33rd Street
Erie, PA 16510
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